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Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs in an individual when the median nerve in the wrist bone gets compressed. A very painful disease, it is usually caused due to the inflammation in ligaments and tendons surrounding the Carpal tunnel. Scientists have found out that there are several causes for Carpal tunnel syndrome. Apart from over exercise of hands, heredity, hormonal changes, diabetes and arthritis, can be some of the other major causes of this disease.

The fact behind Carpal tunnel surgery

The surgery is conducted on a patient when the pain of this particular ailment is unbearable. The Carpal tunnel in an individual is a fine passage that runs through the middle of a wrist. The median nerve is situated inside this tunnel and is responsible for producing most of the feeling in a human hand. The movement of our fingers is highly determined by this nerve. The Carpal ligament which is present around the tunnel gets inflamed during this disease and causes compression on the median nerve.

Broadly two different operational procedures exist to cure this ailment. Some of them have been explained below.

Different kinds of treatments

Open surgery - This type of Carpal Tunnel Surgery is conducted on the base of the patient’s palm. The base is cut so that a doctor can see all the tendon and ligaments present in the affected wrist. After the cut is made the next task is to release the pressure caused by this ligament on the nerve. The doctors divide this ligament in two parts in order to release the pressure. This operation is a mild one and usually, a patient is discharged on the day of operation.

Endoscopic Surgery - This is not much different from the previous method. In this particular style of Carpal Tunnel Surgery the doctor makes a much smaller incision than an open surgery. The next task is to insert a tiny camera through this cut. This camera enables the doctor to see the ligament and tendons clearly. The prime benefit of this procedure is that a patient can recover faster than an open surgery.

In many cases it has been noticed that a patient is recommended to wear social wrist braces and splints. Doctors advise the use of these tools as they are highly beneficial for patients who have already been affected with this disease. These tools help to keep the hand straight during hand movements.

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