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Anxiety- Health Information Online


Archive for the ‘Anxiety’ Category


Adrenaline is at the center of anxiety. Most people experience a rush of adrenaline when they encounter an uncomfortable situation, such as speaking in front of others.

However some individuals translate that adrenaline into anxiety, while others accept it and transform the adrenaline into high performance. One way that people can deal more productively with anxiety is to recognize when adrenaline has been released, and to then take steps to control their response.

Biofeedback is one of the central concepts on addressing workplace anxiety. Through biofeedback, individuals connect their internal feelings with objective feedback.

One biofeedback technique is skin temperature measurement. Stress can cause the skin temperature on one’s hand to vary by as much as 25 degrees Fahrenheit.

When individuals are aware of their hand temperature, they have better insight into their stress levels. Negative stress typically manifests itself through cold, damp hands.

On the other hand, people almost never have a panic attack when their hands are dry and warm.

To connect a person’s specific emotionally state with hand temperature, there are three behaviors:

*Cold hands are a sign of stress, but not all stress is bad. If a person’s hands are cold, take time to evaluate whether the cause is good stress or bad stress.
*Pay attention to the emotions and thoughts that are associated with warm hands.
*Make the effort to correlate hand temperature with the emotional state and the feelings being experienced.

The “Five Step Adrenaline Control Technique” outlines a process for dealing with adrenaline and reducing anxiety.

Here are the following sequence of actions:

1. Start with realistic expectations. People must accept that adrenaline is a fact of life. Instead of getting upset when adrenaline is released, people should view this body chemical as fuel for success.

2. Accept the adrenaline. Adrenaline is the key to high performance. As a result, the authors’ suggest thinking, “Adrenaline is my source of power.”

3. Surf the adrenaline. High performers are able to harness the energy associated with adrenaline. They feel in control, and take advantage of the power that comes from the adrenaline surge.

4. Breathe deeply and fully. Deep breathing helps individuals stay in control of their anxiety. It is the foundation of self-regulation.

5. Say “My hands are warm.” This instruction, in combination with conscious breathing, helps maintain the blood flow in the body, including blood flow to extremities like the hands.

Through this five step process, it is possible for people to integrate four elements: function, actions, thoughts, and emotions. The authors abbreviate these to the acronym F.A.T.E. By integrating and controlling F.A.T.E., people can begin to control their anxiety levels, and truly control their fate.


People whose exposure to repeated negative messages in the media, specifically via radio, television and newspaper were more likely to suffer heightened levels of anxiety and stress. Reducing exposure to negative media stories can significantly reduce anxiety and could be a key element in anxiety management.

Essentially the continuing message that the world is a dangerous place, can prompt the stress response (formerly known as the fight, flight or freeze response); the individual reaches and often remains at a heightened state of awareness. If they remain there the effects can be both physically and psychologically harmful.
It is important to remember that anxiety and fear have important roles to play in protecting us; they are often learned responses emanating from real or perceived dangers from past experiences, however if those experiences do not directly relate to our own experiences, we can find ourselves perceiving danger where none really exists.

Constant repetition in media stories can work in a similar, but negative way to repetition of suggestions used in hypnosis; a lot of people “drift off”, or enter natural hypnosis whilst watching TV or listening to the radio and the negative messages about the dangers in the world can bypass the conscious or logical thought processes.

Research carried out in 2008 found that reducing the individual’s exposure to negative news stories was a significant factor in anxiety management. Other factors included taking regular exercise and the utilization of relaxation techniques.

The study consisted of asking a group of around 30 volunteers to rate their levels of anxiety, stress and general well-being and to assess their exposure to media stories on a daily basis.

Once the base levels were known, half of the group were asked to reduce their media exposure as much as possible for one week, and the others were asked to continue as before. At the end of the study period, both groups were asked to rate their anxiety, stress and levels of well-being.

The results indicated that those who had reduced their exposure to the media felt relief from anxiety and stress and a greater sense of personal well-being, in spite of some reporting significant events which in normal circumstances may have been likely to increase stress and anxiety levels (ie car accidents, illness etc).

In general, participants of the study who engaged in physical activity and/or relaxation techniques such as meditation or self-hypnosis reported lower base levels of anxiety and stress, but also reported further improvements when their exposure to media stories was reduced.

Further research across a wider population would obviously prove helpful, however when considering anxiety management, taking control of the messages you receive from the worlds media would appear to be a significant factor.


Everyone worries about different things and it is normal to do so. However, if your worries become so excessive that they interfere with your life or affect your health, you may have what is known as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). The line between “normal worry” and GAD is a bit blurry. Extreme cases of GAD are fairly easy to recognize but most people that have Generalized Anxiety Disorder do not fall into the extreme category. It is thought that many people who may be suffering from mild to moderate cases of GAD may not realize they have this problem.

It is important to be able to distinguish the difference between “normal worry” and Generalized Anxiety Disorder because if you realize you are suffering from GAD, it becomes much easier to eliminate the problems it creates and improve your overall quality of life. Below, I give 7 differences between “normal worry” and GAD. Although these are common symptoms, I do want to emphasize that this is not a comprehensive list.

You may have Generalized Anxiety Disorder if:

1. You Avoid Social Situations

Many people with GAD avoid social situations and they may worry about an upcoming event for days or even weeks before it comes. Even “small” social situations like an office party or a club meeting that other people may not give a second thought become a source of worry. They may fear embarrassing themselves, being rejected by the group, or they may just be afraid of the unknown. This sometimes called “anticipation anxiety.”

2. You Worry More Than the Situation Actually Calls For

This can be a bit subjective but here’s an example. You call your spouse or partner and leave a long message and at the end ask them to return your call when they get a chance. Then you wait by the phone and worry excessively about why they aren’t calling you back right away. You may even make up all kinds of scenarios in your head as to why they aren’t calling you back and your worrying intensifies greatly as you do so. You may begin to over-analyze the message you left them and wonder if this is the reason they aren’t calling you back. You may worry so much you become quite upset and it interferes with you getting your tasks accomplished that day.

3. You Worry For a Longer Period Of Time Than the Situation Calls For

This is another rather subjective call but here’s an example. You hear a local news story about a violent crime that has occured in the city in which you live. This story would likely affect everyone that hears about it to some degree but you continue to worry about it well into the next day and possibly beyond. You worry to the extend it interferes with your ability to do things that you had planned to do.

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4. You Obsessively Worry About Every Day Things

Things that other people may not fret at all become sources of worry for you. This worry invades your thoughts whether you want it to or not and continue to do so even when you try to push these negative thoughts out of your mind. Maybe you worry excessively about the trash bag leaking or missing the beginning of a TV show or what you’ll cook for dinner. Basically, “little things” take on an exaggerated importance whether you want them to or not.

5. You Start To Show Physical Symptoms Due To Your Worries

People with Generalized Anxiety Disorder often have physical manifestations of their condition. Headaches and lower back pain are very common due to excessive muscle tension. People with GAD also often experience shortness of breath and a racing heartbeat. Some get dizzy and feel lightheaded. Others experience trembling hands.

6. You Have Trouble Concentrating

Excessive worrying can really distract you from tasks that require mental concentration and prevent you from completing these tasks or interfere with the quality of your output. This can affect you in the workplace and in your personal tasks.

7. Your Worries Interferes With Sleep

Everyone occasionally has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. However, if you have trouble for more than one night in a row, you may have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. You may be yawning and feeling physically tired when go to bed but when your head hits the pillow you find you can’t fall asleep. You have worrisome thoughts racing through your head that keep you awake or prevent you from getting an entirely restful night’s sleep. Lack of quality sleep can lead to a whole host of health issues and is more serious than many people realize.


Have you ever thought you were having a heart attack and ended up in the ED department of your hospital thinking that you were going to die only to find out that you were experiencing a panic attack? Most people find that they avoid panic attacks treatment because they have high levels of anxiety that makes it very difficult for them to visit a doctor or therapist. Also the cost of panic attacks treatment can be expensive and involve attending many appointments.

What happens then if you do not seek treatment for your panic attacks? Sometimes the fear of having a panic attack in public can lead to changing behaviors and doing things such as avoiding other people or places – especially strange places for fear of triggering a panic attack. In some cases a person may avoid going out all together. Some people make major changes to the way they do things, for example, they only go out when it is quieter or seek smaller shopping centers to buy their groceries. If this problem persists it can turn into agoraphobia (Greek meaning – fear of the marketplace) and the person becomes isolated staying mostly indoors in the safety of their home. Small simple tasks can become very challenging.

So what causes a panic attack? Anxiety is the human body’s response to being in danger. When we sense danger we can have the experience of adrenaline rushing into our bloodstream. This enables us to either run away or to stay and fight the perceived danger just like the caveman did to protect himself from a woolly mammoth or sabre-toothed tiger. Unfortunately this evolutionary protective mechanism can take place whether the danger is present or not. In fact panic attacks can occur when no danger is present and certainly no woolly mammoths in sight. Our whole system can go into fight or flight mode regardless of where we are or what we are doing. This can be very embarrassing. What are the benefits of panic attacks treatment? Essentially panic attacks treatment helps stop the unwanted symptoms of a panic attack.

Some of these unwanted symptoms, which are often embarrassing, include:

Unwanted thoughts that relate to either overestimating or diminishing our ability to cope. We might think we are either going to lose control or, worse still, we are going to die. These catastrophic type thoughts are tied in with physical symptoms. These sensations take place following the rush of adrenaline that energizes us to either stay and fight, or to flee (flight). Our heart starts racing taking blood to where it is needed the most such as to our legs to help us run (flight) and to our arms to help fight. Also blood is taken away from the areas where it is not so urgently needed such as our skin, fingers and toes. This is why a tingling sensation can occur. Our digestive system slows down and feelings of nausea, butterflies or a dry mouth can occur. We also start to sweat to cool our body down making us slippery and harder for someone to grip onto us. Meantime our breathing becomes faster to carry more oxygen through our vascular system to our arms and legs giving more power. We may also feel dizzy or light headed from the slight drop in blood pressure. This can also cause blurry vision. Our pupils dilate letting more light into our eyes to assist our vision. Our muscles tense-up giving us power however can also make us feel shaky and aching. Also we become more alert and our concentration on other tasks can be impaired as we are busy monitoring for danger.

These symptom can be embarrassing and are unwanted. Those who suffer from panic attacks want a treatment that: Is successful in helping restore their life back to normal Is affordable and easy to follow and understand Helps with other anxiety problems that go hand in hand with panic attacks Helps restore confidence and self esteem

Finding the right treatment at the right price can be difficult, however there are effective panic attacks treatment out there. Seeking treatment helps you achieve freedom from those unwanted and embarrassing symptoms.


A lot of people don’t see panic attacks as a serious condition since it isn’t exactly one that can kill you. The thing is what a lot of people also don’t know is that this condition can really affect a persons life greatly especially when it isn’t treated. Panic definitely isn’t life threatening, but it can still prevent a person from doing daily tasks. If panic is something you are suffering from, go have it checked right away so that you can regain control of your life again with using programs like Panic Away.

When you are suffering from a panic attack, you will experience a sudden intense fear that takes over you. Attacks like these happen with no warning at all and are usually brought about by severe stress from your job or from personal issues. Other than fear, there are other signs of panic that take place like heart palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea, cold or hot flashes, and a lot of others that are close to symptoms of a heart attack.

If you believe you are suffering from pain attacks, the first thing you need to do is to go see your doctor right away. Although panic is quite common in many, it is still a very serious condition that needs to be treated right away, especially since the sufferer is significantly affected with the great fear that is felt. This is why you should be diagnosed by a professional in order for you to find treatment immediately.

When diagnosed with panic, the doctor will most likely put you on` medication such as anti-depressants or benzodiazepines. Despite all the scary things you hear about these medicines, it is important for you to take this as part of your treatment. It will help you feel normal again and make you feel a lot better, which is certainly a good thing. The best part is, these medicines will help you gain back your frame of mind to allow you to find better ways to fight this condition.

On top of the medicine you are taking, you will need to search for other ways for you to eliminate this condition quickly. Panic Away is one of the programs that has helped a lot of people. With this program you will learn about natural methods that you can perform to stop this problem. This has been effective on many who used to suffer from panic and anxiety, which is why it is greatly recommended.

If you are suffering from panic and want to regain control of your life, then simply follow these steps to help you out. Panic is a serious condition that needs to be given immediate attention. Don’t let this horrible disorder take over your life completely, fight it while you can.


Are you are one of the many people who are currently suffering with anxiety and panic attacks every day of your life? If so, you have probably done everything you can think of to make them stop. But there are still things you can do to help yourself overcome all of your anxiety-related problems, and one of those things is to find a way to combat your stress. Stress is one of the leading causes of anxiety, so when you can find a way to deal with your stress your anxiety will improve a great deal.

  • The first way you can prevent the stress that causes your anxiety is to get lots of good quality sleep. To help make this happen you need to prepare for it during the day. This means switching to a healthy nutritious diet, making certain to include foods that are known to help alleviate stress. You need to be certain you include protein foods like chicken, meat, and eggs, plus carbohydrates like whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables. Making these simple changes will ensure there’s nothing in your system that will keep you awake at night, and you’re much more likely to fall asleep quickly and stay fast asleep all night.
  • Staying hydrated is also important in your quest to combat your stress, so make sure to drink plenty of water during the day. But steer clear of drinks that contain caffeine as this is known to be a trigger for anxiety. And caffeine is not only found in coffee – it’s also present in some teas and a good many colas and some hot chocolate drinks, so be careful what you drink and make sure you’re not consuming hidden caffeine. You’ll also want to avoid alcohol, since this is a common trigger for both anxiety and insomnia.
  • Another great way to eliminate your anxiety-causing stress is to stop all use of cigarettes and recreational drugs. Many people wrongly think of these as a form of relaxation, but they are in fact also known to trigger anxiety, so they need to be avoided.
  • The final way to get rid of your stress is to begin doing some type of exercise.  Just something simple like getting out of the house and walking is one of the best ways to improve your general health and lift your mood, and this is one of the best ways there is to combat stress.

If you can begin putting into action some of the simple lifestyle changes suggested in this article, your stress will quickly decrease and the anxiety it once caused will be gone for good. So please do give these ideas a try – it could mean an end to your panic attacks and anxiety for good.


Anxiety, whether occasional or chronic, is a very common problem. It affects literally millions of people and can have terrible and prohibitive results. If the problem is recognized as anxiety, on of the first steps that people take is to either attempt to deal with it on their own or to go to the family physician for a prescription.

Handling the issue with no external help may work for some, but choosing to get safe and natural help can provide enormous assistance in conquering unease and apprehension.

Likewise, prescription medications can provide assistance to some, but the possibility of addiction and side effects can be just as concerning as the original anxiety problem. Choosing instead to explore natural remedies for anxiety can eliminate potential side effects and provide a safe way to conquer the problem.

There are many natural options, and the majority of these are widely available. They are safe and do not require a doctor’s visit or a prescription. Most are things that people have cut out of their life due to time constraints or lack of motivation, like exercise.

Daily exercise can absolutely beneficial in balancing mood and restoring calm. It can be as simple as jogging or walking for 30 minutes daily.

Both yoga and meditation are also useful, as they provide a way to release tension and focus the mind. In another direction, it can also be very helpful to take different vitamins and minerals that have been shown to contribute to the lessening of these feelings, such as Vitamin B, Magnesium, and Fish oil.


Math Anxiety

When it comes to Math Anxiety, are you a worrier or are you panic-stricken? It turns out the answer to this question is key to how you will go about fixing it.

  • My mouth feels dry and my heart starts beating out of my chest.
  • I read the question over and over again, and I just can’t understand what it says
  • I get sleepy and have a really hard time staying awake for the exam.
  • My palms get sweaty and it gets hard to focus on the page
  • My teacher is stupid, and never asks questions about what we have been learning in the class.

Does any of this sound familiar when you sit down to do a math test? The truth is that, to one degree or another, we’ve all had similar experiences. These are natural physiological responses that arise when we perceive threats to our well-being. But if you look at these questions again, you’ll see that they fall into two broad categories: thinking and feeling. And the big insight from recent research, though, is that worry is expressed in the left hemisphere, while panic is expressed in the right. Like much good research, this actually confirms our intuition. The Feeling Right Hemisphere Panic is about feelings. Beating heart, sweaty palms, heightened perceptions. These are exactly the same physiological responses we would feel when we encounter a big cat in the jungle. It is raw survival. And you are experiencing the exact same flood of neurochemicals when we are sitting in the math exam, staring at a question that we can’t even understand the problem, much less figure out the solution.

This phenomenon is way more common than you might expect. You may be surprised to learn that math anxiety rates number three on the list of most common phobias that people experience, just after fear of public speaking and fear of heights. You are not alone, my friend. I will be writing an article soon future article on how to combat math panic. It turns out it is different than what you need to do to get ahead of your panic, as I’ll discuss below. The Thinking Left Hemisphere Worry is mostly a verbal activity: our inner conversation spirals endlessly with the details of how our life will fall apart if we don’t do well on this test. Our parents won’t love us any more, and will stop paying for our education. Our boyfriend or girlfriend won’t want to be seen with the idiot that we really are. The whole thing just spirals until we might be amazed that we are actually still breathing!

The truth is, in my 11 year experience as a math professor teaching thousands of students, I have seen more kids blow their learning energy by worrying during study sessions, rather than focusing on effective strategies for learning, remembering and achieving. They come in feeling defeated from the beginning.


Let loose to go about its own devices, imagination can play havoc with your life. On the other hand, if you rein it in, you can use it most beneficially and in ways that really do you good. Fear is one thing. It’s natural. You’re fearful of giving a presentation, a speech, starting a new job. Of course you are. And fear likes to couple itself to your imagination. Allow it to by all means, but only in a positive fashion. So I suggest you overcome fear and anxiety with these 4 tips.
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1. Breathe Proper!

Yes, I know, breathing’s always trotted out as the cure-all for anxiety, but please don’t discount it. Quick, shallow breaths will trigger all anxiety symptoms into action. Recognize that your breathing’s shallow, and slow it down by breathing out longer than you breathe in.

Doing this will calm your body right down. Do the 7/11 breathing if you start to feel anxious. Breathe in through your nose to the count of 7, then exhale through your mouth to the count of 11. The numbers are immaterial, just as long as the ‘out’ breath is longer than the ‘in’ breath.

2. Prepare For Peace.

If you become anxious when you start thinking about an upcoming event, your body will start to re-act in a certain way. In other words, you’ll start to feel anxiety creeping up on you. That presentation you’re dreading. The palms of your hands start to become moist, and you find yourself breathing more quickly.

Sit down. Close your eyes. Do the 7/11 breathing, while at the same time imagine yourself giving the presentation with perfect confidence resulting in success. Do this as often as you’re reasonably able. You must retain clarity of thought and this next step should help.

3. Re-arrange The Brainbox!

Extreme anxiety makes it much harder to think clearly. ‘Scale’ your anxiety from 1 to 10. Think to yourself; ‘What number on the scale am I now? About 7.’ The extraordinary part about this is that it fires up the thinking part of the brain, which will automatically dilute the emotional part. This in turn will make you calmer.

4. Control Your Imagination.

When we imagine the worst, fear and anxiety have a high old time. Chronic worriers use their imaginations sometimes in disastrous ways. To them, everything’s catastrophic. One of the proper uses of imagination is the ability to plan ahead, but of course a side effect is to imagine things always going wrong.

Don’t allow your life to be ruined by this sort of thinking. Again, sit down, do your breathing and imagine that speech, presentation, whatever it may be, going fluently and well.

After all, if you have the ability to imagine the worst, you certainly have the ability to imagine the best. Adopt this habit. Remember your breathing and don’t allow your imagination to ‘go negative’ on you for one minute.



Uncover secrets of the subconscious mind to end panic attacks in your children, without the use of drugs, and to help them reach their full potential.

Today recent figures report that one in three couples end up either separated, or divorced and this leads to numerous amounts of single parents.

This could be one of many reasons to the foundations of panic attacks with regard to a child, it is a fact that single parents in general do perform a good task with regard to bringing up children when they are single, however it can not replace the support of both parents.

Let’s take some examples; prior to a break up of a relationship there are usually many disagreements with couples, some end up being violent and others experience just plain shouting at each other for ever reason, these events get firmly placed in a child’s subconscious mind if they have been a witness to them.

This can have an unfavourable outcome on a young person’s subconscious mind. It may not be noticeable to see an instant result, however it can have an extensive results later in life.

Specialist psychiatrists’ explanation of the human brain is it has three areas to pay attention to, for example; conscious, unconscious, subconscious, however there is a further one referred to as the sixth sense; nevertheless the latter is not important for this explanation.

The conscious mind is what you are using right now to read this article, when we talk and listen to our friends are prime examples. The unconscious mind is a recollection of events that have taken place in the history of your life, and finally the subconscious mind, this has enormous potential in respect of, knowledgeable people accept as true we have yet to get even close to its full potential.

The subconscious mind is like a million dollar computer, in fact even more powerful than that, however it can be compared to a computer in the point it will respond to whatever you program into it, whereas the subconscious mind is unable to define the difference between negative and positive. The reality is if a child has instilled the fear of a panic attack in the subconscious the probability is it will take place.

For example; when you speak to your self or friends about your current circumstances, your subconscious will act in response for example; if you are feeling ill and continually complain about it you will only create more of the same, however by reversing those words and speaking in a positive sense many people have recovered from fatal diseases by using this method.

It is an unquestionable statement that most things in this world were conceived primarily in the subconscious mind, for example. Authors, great leaders, scientists, engineers, these people have discovered the power of the subconscious mind.

The subject is when a child is experiencing a panic attack; the explanation could be an occurrence of an incident, which has made an impression on the subconscious, it could be a number of things that took place before the break up process of a relationship. Children are very sensitive and can be easily influenced when they are growing up.

The subconscious mind is similar to a garden. When you plant seeds of what ever kind they will grow, weeds or plants. How do we get rid of the weeds? Simple – remove them.

The probable reasons are pretty obvious; they could have problems with their teacher at school for instance; exams, school bullies, attending a new school, to name just a few.

In order to find a solution to this dilemma as a single person, and your child is experiencing panic attacks or anxiety disorder, you will need to use a little lateral thinking, consider occurrences that the child has been a witness to that has entered the subconscious previous to the separation of the relationship, this could be a good indication.

A further point to take into consideration is just because the child has suffered one panic attack does not necessarily mean they will suffer from them for the rest of their lives. This situation is an example of what has happened in the past this can be transformed by a straightforward mind shift.

I hope you enjoyed this article, my intention was to help you to solve panic attacks in children, however I am unable to cover all the reasons why children suffer panic attacks in this short article, but I hope this has influenced you to explore reasons you may not have considered.
