
Archive for the ‘Hypertension’ Category


Hypertension and high blood pressure are often overlooked as serious ailments. It could be because so many people are living with these illnesses on a day-to-day basis. These two conditions often lead to more serious conditions which can ultimately lead to the untimely death of anyone. There are so many factors that go into a person getting high blood pressure or hypertension. Although they are two different entities, most doctors classify these two sicknesses under the same umbrella.

If you have hypertension you are twice as likely to develop heart disease and six times as likely to develop a stroke than people with normal blood pressure. In order to seek recovery from serious ailment such as high blood pressure, you will need to be very strict in your diet and eat foods low in saturated fat. On the contrary, you will need to eat more fruits, vegetables and calcium rich foods. Dr. David Hill feels that improving your blood’s pressure through diet is most useful for those who have pre-hypertension, meaning they have moderate high blood pressure but their numbers are not yet high enough for them to be put on medication by their doctor. The pre-hypertension folks can alter their diet and avoid being on medications altogether. Eating more fresh water fish is a great way to start as fish is the best source to get your Omega 3 fatty acids.

For those that are used to eating a diet that is high in saturated fats, the changing or reduction of those fats and cholesterol intake in their diet has been known to reduce pressure. Having control of your weight will be key in keeping your pressure down so you will need to be more cognoscente of the calories you consume on a regular basis. Putting on extra weight tends to push blood pressure through the roof. This is not always the case but it does happen on a consistent basis. Anyone will tell you that eating vegetables and fruits for any disease will help you improve but there are certain fruits and vegetables that you should target for lowering the pressure levels.

You must target the produce that are high in potassium and calcium as both are minerals that have shown substantial success rates in helping to reduce hypertension. Foods such as low-fat milk, spinach (or other green leafy vegetables), chicken and turkey are ideal to eat. Another food that has been known to help reduce high blood pressure is celery. A Chinese study found that blood pressure fell in fourteen of sixteen individuals that were given celery. It could be that celery exhibits properties of diuretics and ace inhibitors which are leading medicines that lower blood pressure.


So, you know the old saying, you have to play the hand you’re dealt? Well in the case of high cholesterol that is certainly true. The fact is that no matter what we live like, if you come from a family with a history of high cholesterol, you are going to have to confront it.

Hereditary and the genes we are born with will play a significant role in whether we develop health problems associated with bad cholesterol. The good news is there is a natural remedy for hereditary high cholesterol.

What is cholesterol and why is it important?

Cholesterol is simply a part of who we are. Cholesterol, good and bad alike is caused by two sources. First and most common is the level of cholesterol based on what we eat. For every meal we consume, our digestive system works to break down and metabolize the meal.

As the body breaks down these sources of energy, the different byproducts are sent to areas of the body where they are needed. The liver is the second source of cholesterol. The liver makes cholesterol while we sleep. Unfortunately, aside from hereditary factors, stress, alcohol consumption, smoking and diets two high in saturated fats also elevate the level of LDL.

What can a person do to combat hereditary cholesterol?

The first step is to maintain an active life style. If you are looking for a natural remedy for hereditary high cholesterol, there is nothing more natural than keeping active with a daily exercise program.

I know, you are thinking that you don’t have time with your busy schedule to exercise daily. Well there is evidence that shows that as little as twenty to thirty minutes a day will work wonders in reducing levels of high density lipoprotein or HDL.
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Look at it in a practical sense; you can’t afford not to take up some form of exercise to reduce bad cholesterol especially if it is a hereditary problem. This means that your body produces excess levels of LDL even if you eat a very health conscious diet.

What are the dietary supplements that can help?

According to several prominent organizations like the Mayo Clinic, diets that contain Omega 3 fatty acids have proven effective in reducing serum cholesterol . Omega 3 fatty acids can be readily found in foods like nuts, seeds and whole grains. In addition, fruit and green vegetables have Omega 3 fatty acids in a plentiful supply.

A totally natural remedy for hereditary high cholesterol is the Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil. Populations that have a heavy consumption of sea food and the Omega 3 fatty acids that are in the fish oil have shown a remarkable absence of heart disease caused from high cholesterol.

If sea food isn’t your thing, you can still benefit from the Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil by taking quality Omega 3 soft gel caps. This is a workable solution that guarantees the benefits of EPA and DHA fatty acids in your diet.

If family genes have predetermined that you face the heath issues associated with bad cholesterol, your heart deserves a natural remedy for hereditary high cholesterol.


Now that you know the facts, it’s time to get moving with a natural remedy for hereditary high cholesterol. A daily exercise schedule of light exercise that elevates the heart rate for thirty minutes along with less saturated fat in the diet combined with more Omega 3 fatty acids and your cholesterol will not be an impediment to good health!


Hypertension is a word that is used to describe a medical condition of high blood pressure, which is a measurement of the force of blood against the walls of your arteries when blood is pumped throughout the body. The readings are measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). This reading is given in two numbers – for example, 120 over 75 (120/75 mmHg).

− The first number is your systolic pressure and it can be dangerous if this number is above 140.

− The second number is the diastolic pressure, which is considered high if it is over 90.

You can have hypertension if the diastolic pressure is between 120 and 139 and the systolic pressure is between 80 and 89. The likelihood of hypertension increases if you have a history of heart or kidney problems. In such cases, your blood pressure needs to be maintained even lower than people who do not have these conditions. The risk of high blood pressure increases if you are obese, or you have diabetes or you are a smoker. Recent research shows that being an African American also increases your risk of developing hypertension. A proper cause is not identified in most of the cases and this is known as essential hypertension.

This condition can be caused by other medical conditions or by intake of certain medications and this is known as secondary hypertension. This type of hypertension could be because of alcohol use, atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease, cocaine use, and diabetes. Some medications that cause secondary hypertension are corticosteroids, birth control pills, appetite suppressants, and migraine medications. Some of the common symptoms of this condition are confusion, fatigue, nosebleed, ear noise, vision changes in and ear buzzing. If you are suffering from severe headache or any other symptoms mentioned above, you should call a doctor immediately.

Various medications and therapies are available on the market for the treatment of this condition but only a few of these drugs and therapies are effective.

  • One of the medications that is not only effective but also safer than others is Ramipril. This prescription medication is used for the treatment of congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. It belongs to a class of medications known as ACE inhibitors. Just like other drugs, Ramipril also has some mild side effects but it is not necessary that you will suffer from side effects if you use it. Always use this drug as prescribed.
  • Amlodipine is also an effective medication that helps in the treatment of this condition. Amlodipine is a medication that works by relaxing blood vessels and improving the flow of blood in the body. Other than hypertension, this drug is also used for the treatment of coronary artery disease. Do not use this drug if you have a liver problem or congestive heart failure. Intake of alcohol can increase the side effects of this drug and it is best to avoid consumption of alcohol when you use this drug. Always consult a doctor before using any drug for the treatment of high blood pressure.


General interest in high blood pressure remedies increases steadily week by week. That’s because awareness is rapidly growing that high BP is not just a common condition but also a pre-condition for serious problems such as congestive heart failures, blindness, heart attacks, diseases and kidney disorders.

But if you’re here, you don’t need to be told that.

What you may need to be reminded of is that hypertension is not generally a factor in less developed communities, which gives us a clue as to how to prevent it: physical exercise and healthy diet.

Exercise and diet are at the root of almost every natural remedy for blood pressure. Here’s why:

Exercise – a key to weight control

Every five pounds of excess weight contributes to higher blood pressure. So one of the easiest remedies is simply to keep your weight under control.

You should be active from an early age. If your life style does not keep you in motion, you need a formal schedule of exercise, either through a sport or a fitness regimen. It is crucial to adopt a fitness routine that you participate in daily, at least three days a week and preferably five. This is one of the simplest high blood pressure remedies you can undertake. It needs to be pointed out, though, that both hypertension and being overweight or obese can be genetic. So it’s important to understand if it runs in your family or not. Even if there is a genetic link, you will still benefit from regular exercises such as walking, swimming, cycling and running.

Then there is your diet

Even if you are not overweight and have no family history of blood pressure problems, you might still be told by your doctor that your levels are too high. Very often sodium or salt is a common cause, so this is one of the first places to take action by cutting back.

Avoid taking high caloric food and processed food. Fruits, whole grains, fiber content and vegetables are some of the food you should be eating. Take more spices and vegetables like beetroot, carrot, spinach, grapes, and berries.

  • Garlic has long been put forward as a natural remedy for blood pressure. Although garlic supplements have been proven effective, treat them with caution and consult your doctor. Garlic can thin the blood and may interact with other supplements and/or prescription drugs.
  • You can also try Indian gooseberry. Blend it with honey and take it in the mornings on a daily basis.
  • Lemon is another remedy with high quantities of Vitamin P in it and helps to counter capillary fragility which can occur with high BP.
  • Watermelon can be taken in the form of a juice. There is also a substance extracted from the juice which can dilate blood vessels effectively.

Natural remedies generally more effective

Alternative remedies such as these are generally more effective than allopathic medications in lowering the blood pressure levels. Alternative remedies are natural (non-pharmaceutical) approaches to lowering blood pressure back to healthy levels.

Given the cost and many side effects experienced from long-term use of hypertension medications, it is not that surprising that natural high blood pressure remedies are becoming a popular solution to a growing problem.


Delicious news! A new study finds that eating a cup of strawberries or blueberries a week can reduce high blood pressure risk, which is a key factor for both heart disease.

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The work, intent on investigating the role regular intake of dietary flavonoids might have on the risk of high blood pressure, included over 130,000 women and 23,000 men.

The subjects supplied information about their diet by food frequency questionnaires. Besides tasting naturally sweet and delicious, berries like strawberries and blueberries are low in fat, carbs and calories, but have loads of fiber, vitamins, minerals and those powerhouse antioxidants we’ve all heard so much about. Anthocyanins are only one such nutrient, but there are others.

Over the 14-year period the participants were followed, the team found that 29,000 women and 5,600 men developed hypertension. But those with the highest levels of anthocyanins (a key part of both blueberries and strawberries) had an 8% lower risk for hypertension compared to those who comsumed the least amounts of these nutrient rich fruits.

Anthocyanin is a rather impressive antioxidant that gives these two delicious berries their incredible color. But it might also open blood vessels, helping blood flow more smoothly and lowers the chance for high blood pressure.

The finding even held after experts controlled for other things we know are high blood pressure risk factors. Family history, weight, how active a patient might be, and other dietary factors all play a part.

The risk reduction was most obvious in those who were under 60 years old. Why?

The research team speculates that the damage done over the years is too much for flavonoids to make much difference to blood vessel function in older people. The team points out that this suggests how important it is to eat well before middle age, so you give your body a chance to get the good for you benefits, while they still are beneficial.

Estimates from the American Heart Association have one in three adults in the U.S. being affected by high blood pressure. Another 2 million teens and children are also affected. The causes of 90-95% of high blood pressures aren’t known… even though a doctor can measure your blood pressure quickly and easily in the office. Seems strange that such a potentially dangerous thing could be uncovered with such a simple, pain free test.

Research purists will point out that this new work did have some limitations. No one measured food consumed or took blood pressure levels; these measures were self reported by the study participants. This doesn’t allow for the type of control that researchers like to have in experiments. The next steps will be to test doses of anthocyanins rich foods to judge the prevention of high blood pressure… to set guidelines.

In the meantime, if you’re at risk and want to reduce high blood pressure risk, do something to help yourself. Prevention is the best treatment, and this comes from a healthy lifestyle… eating a nutritious diet (lots of berries/veggies, no processed foods) and not smoking. Keep those cholesterol numbers under control and do all you can to keep them that way.


The cause of hypertension varies from person to person. Some people have a family history of high blood pressure making it more likely that they too will suffer from the condition. For most people, the cause is usually ascribed to stress and or to being overweight and leading a sedentary lifestyle. You cannot do anything about a genetic predisposition to the condition, but the good news is that you can do something about these other contributing factors.

There is no cure for hypertension; the only thing we can do is to manage our condition with a preventative lifestyle. Our goal must be to keep our readings as close to normal levels for our age as possible.

Here are five practical tips for doing just that:

# 1. Take regular exercise:

The key to a successful exercise regime is to build it into our daily routine. As little as 20 to 30 minutes of exercise in which your heart rate is elevated is all that we need to do each day. Brisk walking, swimming, cycling and jogging are all good forms of exercise.

Taking daily exercise is a triple win situation for us. Exercise is one of the best antidotes to stress. Combined with a healthy, calorie-controlled diet, it can help you lose weight, which in turn has a beneficial effect on our condition. Exercise reduces our blood pressure levels for almost 24 hours.

# 2. Stop smoking tobacco products:

Smoking tobacco products does not directly cause hypertension. However, the damage it causes to our cardiovascular system is a major risk factor in our condition as well as being a leading cause of other life threatening conditions.

# 3. Take time out each day to relax:

We need to discover what really relaxes us and make it a part of our daily routine. It could be watching an old movie, listening to certain types of music, getting away to the country or taking up drawing or painting. Relaxing has an immediate beneficial effect on our condition. We should also do something positive about our work/life balance and take at least one day each week off work..

# 4.Heart-Healthy Food Choices:

The foods we eat play an important role in how our bodies deals with both high blood pressure and stress. Salt and some herbs will cause our blood pressure levels to skyrocket. A major cause of our hypertension is our high fat, high sodium, processed food rich modern diet. Link that to our modern sedentary lifestyle and there should be little wonder why so may of us are overweight.

We should try to eat at least five portions of fresh, raw or lightly cooked vegetables and fruits each day to help manage your condition making sure that we include at least one portion of leafy green vegetables in our daily diet. Soybeans, potatoes and nuts are superior to animal meat as a source of protein, but that does not mean we should become vegetarian. Choose lean, low-fat white meat such as chicken in preference to the more fatty red meats. Ideally, we should eat one portion of white fish and one portion of oily fish each week.

Calcium and magnesium deficiency can also be a cause of high blood pressure. Green, leafy vegetables are rich in calcium. Almonds and cashews are excellent sources of magnesium. Nuts and seeds are also a source of essential fatty acids, which produce hormone-like substances called prostaglandins that expand the veins and arteries. Foods rich in B vitamins, such as whole grains, green vegetables and eggs, help build resistance to stress.

# 5. A little of what you fancy does you good:

A little wine (especially red wine made from certain grape varieties) or even a tot of whiskey or brandy each day is good for the cardiovascular system. Be warned! The beneficial effects are quickly lost and harm caused if we have too much.

We cannot live without some blood pressure. Serious and even life threatening health issues can arise if our readings become too high for too long. There is no cure for this, only management. The best way to manage our hypertension is by following a preventative lifestyle.


If you take the blood pressure of 50 different people, you will get 50 different readings. If you take the blood pressure readings of some people 50 times, you will get 50 different blood pressure readings. Still, it is possible, that in spite of all these different numbers being read, none of these people will actually have hypertension. In this article, we will discuss why this is and just what a correct blood pressure reading is.

A blood pressure reading consists of two parts. One part is the systolic reading and the other part is the diastolic reading. The systolic part is the higher of the two numbers and of course, the diastolic is the lower.

On a traditional BP reading machine, which is called a sphygmomanometer, the air pressure on the cup around your arm is inflated to a pressure that would be higher than your systolic reading. The air is let out of the cup until the person reading your pressure can hear your heartbeat through a stethoscope.

  • The point at which he or she hears your heartbeat is your systolic reading.

The person reading your BP then continues to let more air out of the cup until he or she no longer hears your heartbeat.

  • The point at which the sound of your heartbeat disappears is your diastolic reading.

A very good systolic reading is 120 and a very good diastolic reading is 80. However, the systolic reading is only mildly high when it is slightly over 140 and the diastolic reading is only slightly high when it is around 90. Add the fact you could go several points lower than 120 and 80 on these readings before hypotension, or low blood pressure was an issue, and you can see there is quite a wide range of good BP readings.

This is good because a normal person’s pressure will vary throughout the day. Changes in stress level, exercise and food digestion are all issues which can affect one’s BP. In other words, your BP could be a little higher after you eat a heavy meal, but it could also be a little higher if you were very hungry. Of course, if you were to meet a lion face to face, your blood pressure would be very, very high.

For this reason, it is wise to take time to relax throughout the day and to learn how not to become too worked up over little things. Still, unless you are a very unusual person, your blood pressure may be high or at least on the high side once in a while. Because of this, one is not diagnosed with hypertension until he or she is getting high blood pressure readings consistently.
