
Posts Tagged ‘type 2 diabetes’


Women, especially women who have Type 2 diabetes, often suffer magnesium deficiencies. An easy way to counteract those deficiencies is to use Epsom salts, not as a nutritional supplement, but in the bath.

Why women who have Type 2 diabetes need magnesium: Scientists at the University of California at Los Angeles have discovered that just a small amount of magnesium in the diet, just 100 mg a day, is enough to stop the inflammation that causes tightening of your blood vessels and high blood pressure. Since inflammation also drives the development of Type 2 diabetes and the storage of belly fat, getting more magnesium is of great value to women’s health.

Magnesium is also essential to bone health: Calcium and magnesium complement each other. Women who take calcium without magnesium have low calcium levels even if they take calcium supplements, but women who take just magnesium are able to maintain normal calcium levels even if they do not take calcium supplements. Magnesium helps your body keep calcium levels healthy all over your body and especially in your bones.

Getting magnesium from food: It’s not hard for women to get the magnesium they need from food, especially if they enjoy green leafy vegetables. Two to three servings of green leafy vegetables out of five to nine total servings of fruits and vegetables each and every day is enough to provide a woman’s body with the magnesium she needs. But women who do not eat their greens may need to take supplements.

Getting magnesium from supplements: Magnesium supplements are safe, effective, and inexpensive. There’s just one problem. They can cause loose bowels. There is, however, a completely safe way to get the levels of this mineral a woman’s body needs.

Getting magnesium from the bath: All that is needed is to dissolve 1/4 cup (about 50 g) of Epsom salts in the bath water before taking a long, leisurely soak. The minerals in the bath water will go right through the skin, but only just as much magnesium as the body needs. It’s a great way to replenish your body’s magnesium stores, and a great excuse to read a good book in the tub!

Research shows:

  • people with a high magnesium intake are less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, and diabetics seem to have lower stores of this mineral
  • magnesium helps to increase your body’s sensitivity to insulin
  • deficiency occurs because low amounts of vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grain are eaten



It has been found Type 2 diabetics can also react to gluten not just people with known Celiac disease. This is really interesting as, worldwide wheat is regarded as the staff of life. Bread is eaten at every meal and between regular meals, and wheat flour is mixed with almost every other food.

Gluten is found in foods containing:

  • wheat
  • oats
  • rye
  • barley
  • pasta
  • cereal,
  • beer and
  • spelt

About 1 in 100 people, however, has a severe reaction to the gliadin lectins in the gluten proteins that give wheat it’s ‘stretchability’. And there is a growing belief among scientists that activating the genes for gluten sensitivity, also known as Celiac disease, does not cause disease. Instead, Celiac disease activates the genes associated with it.

In full-blown Celiac disease, the “villi,” absorbing pockets lining the intestine, are destroyed by inflammatory processes. The destruction of the intestine keeps the toxic gliadin from entering the body.

The symptoms of Celiac disease occur after the immune system learns to recognize proteins in wheat and to attack them with a inflammatory substance known as interleukin-15. However, even people who do not develop severe symptoms of the disease, some scientists believe some people secrete smaller concentrations of this compound, just not enough to make them obviously sick.

In subclinical Celiac disease, the lining of the intestine is merely inflamed. This makes it far more permeable to glucose, and far more glucose enters the bloodstream after a meal. Although this effect by itself will not automatically result in Type 2 diabetes, it can accelerate the progress of metabolic syndrome to Type 2 diabetes and make controlling blood sugar levels much more difficult for people who already have Type 2 diabetes.

Reactions to wheat are more clearly identified in people who have LADA, an adult-onset form of diabetes that is essentially Type 1 diabetes that only manifests itself in adulthood. Researchers at the National Institute of Endocrinology in Cuba, however, have learned that Type 2 diabetics also react to gluten.

If you have Type 2 diabetes, see if your symptoms don’t get better if you avoid wheat for a period of two weeks. You don’t have to start reading labels. Just don’t eat bread made from whole wheat or white flour and don’t eat baked goods made with any kind of wheat. If you must eat bread, try the 100% rye bread you can get in the refrigerated section at most supermarkets… many people can tolerate rye but not wheat. Then, if you get an unexpected improvement in your blood sugar level control and the way you feel, try avoiding wheat products long-term. This method costs you nothing, and may leave you feeling much better.

A gluten free diet may just improve your health all round with the advantage of lower blood sugar levels.



Diabetes Mellitus of Type 2 is a disease marked with high degree of blood glucose. This is an effect where the muscle cells, fats and liver incorrectly respond due to resistance of insulin. In this type, manufacture of insulin is very high but is not adequate to keep the demand of the body since insulin cannot go into the cells.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes are just the same as those of type 1 but they differ in little ways. However, the development of type 2 diabetes seemed to be unnoticed because this type usually start later in life of the person. Medical check-ups regularly will aid you if you are prone to this condition.

Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes are the following:

  • Unending quest of taking fluids even if you have just drank water few hours before. This is because gall bladder is not functioning properly associated with the diabetes.
  • Urinating more than usual is becoming a norm for people with diabetes. They tend to go more often in the bathroom to urinate and this requires again drinking some more fluids.
  • The feeling of more hungry than usual is common to diabetic patient. In this case, hunger strike is not applicable to them rather than they eat in just a few span of time to fill in those hunger.
  • Feeling very tired and cranky is due to the blood glucose level that is either low or high, respectively. If very low blood glucose, the body feels lethargic since there is no energy supply. A very low blood glucose results to an easily irritated and bothered emotional sensation.
  • Cut, bruises and infections that do not heal fast may probably be due to the immune system being damaged by the germs within your body. Since glucose are not converted to cells it is expected that the immunity response is very slow resulting to long time healing of infections or they does not heal at all.
  • An eye disease characterized with distorted or blurry eyesight is called retinopathy. The eyesight is also one of the main goals of diabetes. AN example of this is seeing floating black or red blots that seems like a drifting fibers
  • The numbness or tingling – loss of emotional sensation – of your feet, hands and or even every organ system is one symptom of diabetes type 2. This feeling known commonly as neuropathy, attacks your nerve cells through an inflammation that is due primarily to diabetes.

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Almost every Type 2 diabetic faces a dilemma about dessert. If you are newly diagnosed, chances are you will find that you can sneak in a dessert and your blood sugar levels the next morning will not be unusually high (although they will be if you eat two or more desserts). If you have had Type 2 diabetes for a long time, you may find that the more you need to avoid desserts, the more appealing they are.

The real problem with any kind of sugary food is that it engenders insulin resistance. When blood sugar levels rise past about 170mg/dL (9.4mmol/L), the fat cells, muscle cells, and liver essentially say “No more!”

If cells absorb too much glucose from your bloodstream, they become overactive. They literally can burn themselves out. They protect themselves from this end by reducing the number of sites on their outer membranes that respond to insulin, becoming ‘insulin-resistant’.

If you eat dessert, your blood sugar levels go up. If you blood sugars go up, your cells become insulin-resistant. Ironically, because your fat cells are not being fed, you get hungry… and you eat more sugar, get higher blood sugar levels, and become even more insulin-resistant. And it all starts, for most type 2 diabetics, with eating too much dessert.

The American Diabetes Association advises Type 2 diabetics that about 100 calories (420 kilojoules) a day in desserts will not really harm your health. The problem is, a typical dessert serving is 400 calories (1680kj) and a typical dessert container is 800 to 1000 calories (3360 to 4200kj). It’s very easy to eat entirely too much.

If you are going to eat dessert, you should eat a single small serving of a food you really enjoy. This should be a food you can easily obtain, because you don’t want to eat as if you would never eat the food again. But it should also be a food you do not keep around your home or place of work.

You should not eat both a dessert and starchy foods at the same meal. And, hard as it may be to get used to, you really shouldn’t save the rest of a dessert for later. Share the dessert with a friend or family member, eating just a taste, but remove temptation. Don’t keep cartons of ice cream and boxes of cake in the refrigerator. If you can’t eat just a taste, then don’t eat desserts at all.

This is how you can help yourself keep weight off and have lower blood sugar levels.


The journal Diabetes Care reported in March 2010 that Australian researchers had established women (age forty-five and above) were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes if they had breastfed their infants. Specifically, the fifty three thousand women tested showed the same odds of developing type 2 diabetes as did women who had never had children… this is in stark contrast with women who had breastfed their babies and who showed a fourteen percent reduction in the “diabetes risk”.

Although these findings do not suggest that breastfeeding actually protects women against diabetes type 2 in later life, they do echo several earlier studies… according to University of Western Sydney researcher Dr Bette Liu.

“What’s new,” she reported, “is that the study also included childless women… and they were fifty percent more likely to develop diabetes type 2 than their counterparts who breastfed. In other words, while having children does increase the risk, feeding babies naturally reverses this.”

“Put slightly differently” Liu continued, “it appears that while having children increases the chances of women developing type 2 diabetes in later life, breastfeeding can restore this risk to the same level as that of women who have never had children.”

The fifty three thousand subjects were given questionnaires that covered health and life-style issues. After collating the raw data on diabetes prevalence, the researchers factored in a number of issues they thought might have an impact. These included age, weight, family history of type 2 diabetes, reported exercise habits, education, income levels and, of course, breastfeeding patterns.

“The results are great,” said Liu. “Breastfeeding is a natural activity that women can usually choose to do and it’s wonderful to know that it is good for their health as well.”

The researchers remain unsure as to exactly how the effect they discovered works in practice. Liu speculates that it could have something to do with a long term impact the hormonal changes that come about with breastfeeding might have on a women’s ability to process blood sugar. “I would say to women considering breastfeeding that there are benefits not only for the health of their babies but also for their own longer-term health,” she concluded.

As scientific research journeys on, it seems to happen more and more that we rediscover the wisdom of the ancients that is often little more than a return to common sense and naturally healthy lifestyles. This is includes the knowledge that breastfeeding not only produces healthy children, but also reduces the mother’s chances of developing type 2 diabetes.
Would you like more information about alternative ways to handle your type 2 diabetes?

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Natural diabetes cure is it a fact or just a fiction? It is never a fiction but real fact. The whole thing is that people in the medical field does not believe that diabetes is reversible but if you make simple changes in your lifestyle you can get rid of your diabetes.

As with all medical treatments as well as natural cures for diabetes, you should consult your doctor before beginning or ending any treatments.

Today there are tested and trusted natural diabetes cures available that one can use to cure his/her diabetes; also, these options such as biofeedback, vitamins, herbs, acupuncture, meditation, and minerals are considered as diabetes treatments.

Vitamins and minerals are very important to our overall good health. Do you know that any lack of magnesium can cause type 2 diabetes to be deteriorating? Chromium and Vanadium can help stabilize glucose levels for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It is believed that cinnamon assist in fat cell recognition of insulin which helps to reduce and control blood sugar levels. Also garlic can improve circulation, reduce cholesterol, fight high blood pressure and unclog arteries. Others like: Ginger, Blueberry, Milk Thistle, Fenugreek, Bitter Melon (Fu-Qua), Dandelion Root.

Acupuncture has been around for centuries in eastern medicine. They use them to treat chronic pain by releasing bound up energy in the body. In case you don’t know, this disease called diabetes can cause chronic pain to diabetes victims.

Biofeedback or meditation can as well help in reversing diabetes. Since both of them can reduce stress and help the patient relax. It has been proven that stress and negative thinking can decrease your immune system and intensify existing health problems.

Some other methods include herbs like Ginseng. As some studies have shown that American ginseng can lower glucose level though the exact amount varies.

Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin that is essential for organ health and decreases in your body as you get older. The antioxidant effects are very important and it controls free radicals. It also plays a big part in creating energy in the body.

Lastly, a natural diabetes cure is now available and you can set yourself free by means of it, like I said before that it does not have side effect. Remember that no matter which natural cure for diabetes you incorporate, there is need to consult your doctor before starting the treatment.

A good number of diabetics die from heart attacks not even diabetes. Insulin gradually eats away major arterial linings. Added to insulin is high blood sugar levels which harm your smaller blood vessels and nerve endings.

That is why diabetes causes millions of folks to suffer the loss of quality of life. A big thanks to discoveries in the new science of natural medicine, diabetes may soon be a thing of the past.

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According to the American Diabetes Association, about 24 million Americans have diabetes. Pre-diabetes is estimated to affect about 57 million people in our country alone while Obesity is victimizing more than 73 million Americans over the course of 11 years. Obviously, diabetes and Obesity are enormous and common problem.

With the case of Type 2 diabetes, this is believe to affect wide range of other health problems such as cardiovascular issues, nerve damage, eye issues and kidney problem. According to the death certificate reports in 2005, the total death due to this disease is 233,619. The total cost of diabetes is amounting to $174 billion, $116 billion for direct medical costs and $ 58 billion for indirect costs (disability, work loss, premature mortality).

Obesity is also taking $344 billion a year. According to Cynthia Ogden, epidemiologist with the National Center for Health Statistics, the obesity trend appears to be slowing down, but the prevalence remains high and continues to be a critical national health concern. Extra weight increases the risk of heart disease, cancer and Type 2 Diabetes.

In addition, people who are diabetic are hungry all the time because they lack enough amount of insulin in their bodies, which prevent the sugar to be in their proper places within the system, due to this imbalance, their muscles and organs are often low on energy and their body always crave for sweet and often starchy foods.

According to Dr. Clyde Yancy of Baylor University and president of the American Heart Association, diabetics should focus on healthy diets and lifestyle and take tried-and-true medicines to prevent or control health risks and further damage in the body. They have also conducted studies, which was presented last Sunday at an American College of Cardiology conference. They have included people with Type 2 Diabetes and found out that people with this disease increase the chance of having heart attack and stroke than people without it.

For the same purpose, the Columbia University led by Dr. Henry Ginsburg recruited more than 5, 500 diabetics who also had another health risks, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol. Participants were given cholesterol-lowering pills and a pill, which lowers the blood fats called triglycerides while boosting the good cholesterol.

After five years, they have seen the lower risks of heart attacks and stroke with the pill that lowers the blood fat.

These studies have clearly showed the undeniable interconnection of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. If people will abide on the simple guidelines of healthy living and exercise, the person and even the government who spent billions and billions of dollars on medical support and healthcare will benefit tremendously in the decision of each person to do what is good for him and for his body.

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