
Posts Tagged ‘arthritis pain’


Physical therapy is the science that combines physiology with exercises, and then applying these principles to the body when an injury is sustained. The aim is to educate patients about managing their pain, accelerating tissue healing, and restoring muscular flexibility, joint mobility and spine motion. While most people think that this therapy is for muscle injuries, it can treat a wide variety of medical problems.

Arthritis is a condition that affects almost 46 million adults and 300,000 children in the USA alone. But it is not a single condition, the term arthritis can be seen as a term that covers a group of over 100 different medical conditions. This kind of therapy can help in relieving the pain of arthritis by using three different types of exercises. These being range-of-motion, strengthening and endurance. Together these exercises will help to maintain the normal movement of the joints, increase muscle flexibility and strength, help keep the tissues of the bone and cartilage strong and healthy, and also improve the patients endurance and cardiovascular fitness.

The range-of-motion exercises are really very important to sufferers of arthritis. This is because any movement will cause them pain, so as not to suffer from that pain they try not to move very much. However, keeping a joint in the same position for too long may cause permanent loss of mobility and restrict the ability to perform normal daily activities. Range-of-motion exercises help with this problem by increasing and preserving joint mobility and flexibility.

We all suffer from stress at some level or another. Stress becomes very destructive when it causes physical pain and emotional distress. Clinical studies show that the human body becomes more vulnerable to disease during times of stress. Any activity that either causes your muscles to relax or that uses a large amount of physical energy will cause you to feel less stressed. Techniques used by physical therapists are ideal for relaxation.

For example, aquatic therapy is wonderful for building physical strength and for relaxation. Even if you can’t swim, running in a pool, treading water, swinging your arms and floating all encourage muscle relaxation. Patients will notice that they are in a better mood, and they sleep better, and they may even lose weight.

Headaches, particularly migraine headaches, can come on fast and leave you feeling completely debilitated. Therapy can treat the cause of chronic headaches and reduce their frequency and intensity. In a therapy program, the therapist will target certain muscle groups associated with headaches.

Using this form of therapy for rehabilitation increases strength, endurance, circulation and flexibility. All of these are wonderful for promoting good health, so it’s reasonable to assume that it can address the symptoms of a variety of illnesses. If you’d like to try therapy, then ask your doctor for a referral, or speak to a therapist about the services offered.

However, be sure that you are physically capable of performing therapeutic exercises, or any other technique that the therapist requires. Together, you may be able to design a therapy program that is right for you. It will benefit your overall health.



Depression is a most common side effect of osteoarthritis. This occurs when you start out healthy, being able to do things for yourself, but overtime you are less able to take care of yourself as the pains get worse. Research has shown that up to twenty percent of people with osteoarthritis are depressed at any given time, a percentage consistent with that found in other people with chronic diseases.

If osteoarthritis has left you depressed, there are a number of things you can do in addition to the arthritis treatment you get from your doctor.

1 Psychotherapy

This is often referred to as the ‘talking cure’, and it is used to treat mild episodes of depression.

2 Drug Therapy

This is the use of drugs to improve the symptoms of depression. The class of drugs used for this purpose is called antidepressants. It is advisable to consult your doctor before taking any antidepressant because medicines used in treating depression sometimes have different side effects.

Psychotherapy and drug therapy are mostly combined to treat arthritis patients with depression, and this combined approach has advantages.

  • It reestablishes normal body patterns more quickly
  • It helps to ensure compliance in taking medication
  • It recognizes the dual influence of biology and environment.

3 Learn to cope with your condition
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Research has shown that those who cope best with any disease are less likely to develop depression, that is, those who deal with their osteoarthritis are less likely to sink into depression. Be proactive at solving your problem, and try to be as flexible with your daily activities as possible. Be ready to modify your lifestyle in a positive way, thereby winning the battle over depression.

4 Get Social Support

It is advisable for you to join a support group where you can find sympathetic ears and get some advice on coping with your condition.

5 Learn to Relax

Always find a way to cool off and reduce your stress. The best defense against stress is a positive attitude.

Stress itself may not cause depression but can make it worse. It signals certain glands to release high-voltage chemicals that can ‘shock’ the body and weaken the immune system, making your osteoarthritis symptoms seem worse while increasing your risk of getting some other disease.

Do anything you can to relax and shake off the stress- listening to music, meditating, or taking up a hobby. Getting enough sleep is also essential to reducing stress.

6 Touch Therapy

Research has shown that touch can reduce psychological stress associated with arthritis. And only a very soft touch is required as bear hugs may be too much for many osteoarthritis sufferers. A gentle, loving touch can be very beneficial in fighting arthritis.

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The inflammation of joints and sometimes muscles that is arthritis is a source of immeasurable trouble for those who suffer it. In fact, to point out exactly what the cause of it is itself difficult. What is easy is the accepting the reality that pain can simply change your life into one long nightmare. Look at the following tips and follow them. Whatever the cause of your strain of arthritis, you will definitely reap benefits from these tips.

– Aspirin can help ease the pain as well as reduce the swelling. The good thing about aspirin and other non-steroid drugs is that they come with fewer side effects. You can try mefenamic acid also or naproxen

– Flexcerin is another very effective solution for your pain. It also comes void of the many side effects that are associated with arthritis medication. It in fact aids in the rebuilding of destroyed tissue. It lubricates joints and soothes the swelling.

– Avoidance of carrying heavy weight is encouraged to discourage the erosion of the afflicted areas.

– Try to lose weight if you reckon you are heavier than you should be. Being a disease of joints, how much those joints carry could literally spell out how much pain has to be borne.

– It is also about now that you start to keep off avoidable stress. Pain is stress on its own and work or family should now work to make you comfortable not stressed.

– Rest often and do only little work.

– Check the size and nature of shoes when you go shopping. Keep them flat and comfortable. Don’t allow any pinching in your shoe.

– At all times, keep your feet dry and warm. Arthritis feels like pain is literally biting especially when the paining part is cold too.

– Smoking and alcohol are the first ones that should go. Keep off fatty foods too.

– Cod-liver is good oil in pain relief, helping the rebuilding of the torn tissue and bone as well as reducing the stiffness.

– Since gluten is known to do more harm, avoid barley and wheat.

– Thera-putty is made to be squeezed by the patient who has swollen fingers. Chime balls are also good exercise especially if used in pairs. These help strengthen finger joints.

Follow the tips above and set your mental attitude to the reality that pain can and will be managed. While it is not possible to cure arthritis, it does not mean that you cannot enjoy your life. It actually means that with the right response to pain, you can have as much a life as you are willing to allow yourself.

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