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Sleep- Health Information Online


Archive for the ‘Sleep’ Category


Bruxism is characterized by the grinding of the teeth and is typically includes the clenching of the jaw. The major cause of Bruxism is anxiety and depression. With so much pressure on people these days, more and more individuals are grinding their teeth when upset. One of the physical causes of Bruxism is abnormal alignment of teeth. This misalignment of teeth can lead to disharmony between the upper and lower jaw, due to which the jaws do not find a constant point to occlude on. This could lead to grinding teeth in sleep and even during the day.

Grinding Teeth in Sleep
People can clench and grind without being aware of it during both the day and night, although grinding teeth in sleep is often the bigger problem because it is harder to control.

  • You may losing your teeth, tooth enamel or having tongue problems which are caused by Teeth grinding.
  • The noise, created by teeth grinding, becomes the reason of sleeplessness for your roommate also.
  • It can harm your teeth, jaw joint, and cause chronic pain.
  • To address this issue is very important because it becomes the reasons of many other health problems like soared or painful jaws, eating disorders and extreme headaches to ear.
  • Most of the time Bruxism itself becomes a reason of Psychological problems like Sleeping disorders, Stress, Depression and Anxiety.

Stop Grinding your Teeth
Teeth clenching is not merely an oral habit. Now it is characterized as a dental problem by dentists and lots solutions are also available to deal with. Mouth guards are the most effective solution to stop grinding your teeth. Night mouth guards do more than just keep your teeth from getting broken or scratched. It will also ensure you of a long and restful sleep, night after night. There are two kinds of mouth guards available in the market you either buy over-the counter or get a custom made mouth guards according to your individual measurements and fittings.
Many Dental product manufacturers are providing custom made Mouth Guards and Retainers according to standards. You can also get your mouth guards through an online resource such as A self impression kit will be sent to you with a free post jiffy bag. By following the specific instructions you can easily take your teeth impression and then return it back. Their qualified technicians will design a perfect mouth guard for you according to your exact teeth impressions.


Sleeping is a state of mind and body where all voluntary muscles stop working and mind goes from consciousness to subconscious and then to unconscious state. It might be considered same as coma if main differentiation is not pointed out because in coma one cannot reverse states of mind and body whereas in sleep it is possible to regain all senses and all voluntary muscles start working again. All mammals, reptiles, birds, and fishes must have it. Nonetheless it is a huge research subject and there many layers of it. In 1937, Alfred Lee Loomis first defined sleep stages but that was for Rapid eye Movement which is type of sleeping for mammals and birds only. Another type of it is Non-Rapid eye movement. We will see stages of sleep according to types of sleep.

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep

REM is a type of sleep but it is itself a stage of sleep. We all like memorable dreaming which mostly occurs in this stage of sleep. REM is only forth part of total sleep and includes rapid eye movement & EEG (Electroencephalography). When experiments were carried out in special sleep laboratory, they resulted that in mammals, muscular Atonia is seen in descending order. REM is last stage after four stages occurring in NREM.

NREM- Non-Rapid Eye Movement sleep

Four different stages of sleep in NREM were described by Nathaniel Kleitman and William Dement in 1953 which were later altered by AASM commission in 2004. But standard sleep stages in NREM were given in R&K scoring manual in 1968 by Anthony Kales and Allan Rechtschaffen. According to this manual there are four stages in NREM type of it. 3rd and 4th sleep stages are considered as slow rate sleep and out of all wave pattern, delta waves are less than 50% in 3rd stage and more than 50% in 4th stage.

Described below are four of those levels:

N1 stage: N1 is initial stage of sleep in which subject losses consciousness about out world and muscle tone. These things occur because during this stage alpha waves of 8 to 13 Hz are converted into Theta waves of 4 to 7 Hz.

N2 Stage: Sleep spindles with 11 to 16 Hz make most of this stage and human adult loss consciousness totally during this stage which comprises almost 50% of it.

N3 Stage: Delta waves with 0.5 to 2Hz frequency are main part of this type of sleep. Night terrors and sleepwalking mostly occur during this stage.

One might wonder that there are only four stages are described here but these four stages occur in N1-N2-N3-N2-REM pattern which complete five stages of sleep with all of them taking around 90 minutes.


There are so many risks that our bodies face each and every day, even during sleep, as evidenced by the thousands of sleep terror cases recorded each year despite the numerous sleep terror disorder treatment options available. The causes of the disorder are simply too mysterious and too complex for any one treatment to solve the entire problem altogether.

As with any problem solving process, the first step in trying to solve any issue is to know what triggers it. Even in this very first step, medical experts have struggled identifying the most pressing causes behind these disorders. Thus, all efforts dedicated to put these terrors to a halt have been put on pause, and people who keep experiencing these terrors continue their battle with these disorders. Hopefully, a sleep terror disorder treatment that works on most, if not all, of the causes will be finally discovered. For more information on this, all you have to do is read on.

A few things must be remembered when dealing with sleep disorders and sleep terror disorder treatment options. The first thing is that the disorder can occur to both children and adults. Children are the common victims of the disorder, and experts say that the pressing reason behind this is the children’s premature nervous system.

However, adults are not immune from the condition, since several cases of the disorder are also caused by severe stress and anxiety. Sleep deprivation has also become a common reason behind this truly mysterious condition. In effect, the age range of the victims alone makes the search for that one perfectly effective sleep terror disorder treatment very difficult.

When a person experiences sleep terror disorder treatments, several symptoms commonly arise. The most usual ones include in increase in the heart rate, excessive sweating – even when inside a properly cooled room, and breathing that is quite rapid – a case referred to as hyperventilation. This is the instance when people instantly sit upright in bed, from a completely asleep state.

Many movies portray this scene, which makes people doubt its truthfulness, but experts agree that it does happen in real life. Some people even begin screaming or crying after waking up. Generally, most people who experience sleep disorders have very fearful or terrified facial expressions, thus causing panic to the people around him.

The sleep terror disorder treatment regimen that can successfully cure this is no stranger to anyone, since these are the steps that are needed in order to get some peaceful sleep. It is greatly advised for people to sleep at the same time during the day as much as possible. Napping must also be avoided to minimize the instances of the disorder. Most importantly, people must avoid constant exposure to stress, anxiety, and fear. Hopefully, the terrors will end, thanks to this sleep terror disorder treatment regimen.