
Posts Tagged ‘candida albicans’


Most people are used to catch over-the-counter medications when it comes to choosing a medicine for all kinds of health problems. This is not different with male yeast infections or candida albicans – what is the same. Only if these medications turn out to be ineffective people will seek to find stronger or at least more effective medications. Male candida medicines are usually not different from those used in attending female yeast infections because what causes the condition is the same in men and women alike.

What Men Can Use

It is essential in fighting candida infections to use a medication with anti-fungal properties. Monistat is recommended as an over the counter medicine with good anti-fungal effect. Even if the label contains the instruction “for vaginal use”, this medicine without any doubt or worries can be used also on males who suffer from a yeast infection. The reason why monistat is on first place marketed to women is that male candida infections are less common though developed from the same causes.

Other medicines that can be tried out are Micatin, Lamisil and Lotrimin. After purchase an over the counter male yeast cure can be applied directly on the affected part. If the application has removed the symptoms within seven to ten days a consultation of your doctor is usually not said to be required.

In case your condition can be traced back to a certain other disease it is necessary to get that complaint diagnosed and cured before applying any medication for male yeast infection.

Follow thoroughly the instructions when using the anti-fungal spray, cream or powder and make sure you have cleaned the affected part carefully before the application. You also should be changing your clothes and in particular your underwear each day.

In addition to the medicine it is recommended that you support the effects of your application by consuming unsweetened yogurt on a daily basis. Even if this advice sounds already like a more holistic approach it is still far away from treating the roots of a yeast infection – regardless if you are a male or a female patient. Many candida sufferers know different stages of their condition and some of them may have quite good experiences with over the counter anti-yeast infection products.

The problem with over the counter products is that often those treatments are only helpful for a short time. At the moment you feel like the yeast infection is gone because the symptoms are. But as soon as you interrupt the application or stop it completely the yeast infection is still there, the symptoms re-appear and pain comes back again.

For this reason it can save you time and months of suffering if you pay more attention on defeating and killing the roots of the infection from the beginning. This can only be done by finding a real holistic and natural yeast infection treatment. But you need not to worry – if you’re looking for an effective cure for your male yeast infection there is help out there. As a man you might not be expecting that you need to deal with a yeast infection. But you can find a solution today that eliminates even your male yeast infection fast and for the rest of your life.

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