
Posts Tagged ‘klinefelter syndrome’


If you are reading this article about eliminating man breasts, then in all likelihood either you or a loved one has had their life ruined by the onset of the often unheard of condition, gynecomastia – the correct term to describe the build of up more than the usual amount of fatty or glandular tissue in a male’s chest region.

The Causes of Man Breasts

These are wide ranging, the onset of the condition varying from individual to individual, there are however certain specific categories, as detailed below:

  • In early childhood and adolescence many boys experience a growth in the fatty tissues around the breast area, this is often the result of hormonal imbalance during puberty and adolescence, and in most cases this fatty build up is eliminated once these natural imbalances and the excess of testosterone in the body stabilise.
  • For some, the stabilisation process mentioned above does not occur, and they are left with an excess of breast tissue through to, and throughout, adulthood.
  • Obesity is another obvious contributing factor.
  • The loss of a considerable amount of weight can help to accentuate those areas where fatty tissue is typically harder to get rid of – the breasts.
  • The use of certain narcotics, prescription drugs, and alcohol can all lead to the development of man breasts.
  • Genetic conditions such as Klinefelter Syndrome – these males possess an extra X chromosome in their genetic makeup which can have developmental effects.

So, what are the options for eliminating man breasts?
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Some men opt for surgical intervention. By and large, such a procedure is highly unlikely to be covered by medical insurance, and will cost the individual many thousands of dollars. In addition, surgery, however routine, always carries with it risks, and so for many men suffering from gynecomastia this is not a viable option.

Because male breast tissue is so difficult to reduce, many believe there is no solution.

Some men look for solutions in the form of wearing baggier clothing, extra layers, applying chest binding, or special undergarments that attempt to hide the problem from the outside world, crossing their arms when in company, the list goes on and on. These solutions work, to a degree, for those who are content to live the rest of their days hiding their bodies from others and restraining their freedom to enjoy the good things.

Gynecomastia, whilst not being a physically threatening condition, can exert a huge psychological influence on those who suffer from it. For many men it is a socially crippling condition that destroys their self confidence and makes everyday fun activities, such as trip to the beach or simply going out in a tee shirt, a hugely embarrassing event that they would do almost anything to avoid.

You can achieve success without costly surgery.

Ultimately, the best solution, and without doubt the most cost effective, is to maximise your body’s potential for burning the fatty deposits that have built up in your chest. Simply doing push ups won’t eliminate the fatty tissue build up that is already there and if anything will exaggerate the problem. You need to be following the correct diet, and that doesn’t mean fasting, and eating your food the correct way! Sound confusing? Well it really isn’t. It’s all about utilising the correct chest sculpting exercises and following a targetted plan that specifically eliminates the fatty tissue build up that’s causing the man breasts. Follow the correct regime and your man breasts could be gone for good!

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