Home » Hair Loss » Is IPL Hair Removal Right For You?

Is IPL Hair Removal Right For You?

Unwanted hair has always been a bother to most people, and any type of hairremoval is usually painful and takes time. Permanent results would be the best, but most conventional methods don’t guarantee this. However, recent developments in laser technology have come up with the IPL hairremoval methods, which can take care of the hair problems, as well as greatly improve the texture of skin and solve various skin problems.

How does it work?

Intense pulsed light (IPL), is a technology aimed at producing light of high intensity during a very short period of time. It involves specific lamps together with capacitors whose rapid discharge provides the high energy required. The light is converted to heat energy that subsequently takes care of the unwanted hair. This procedure has been acknowledged as cheap and faster compared to laser hairremoval methods. Though it does not guarantee permanent removal of hair, manufacturers can guarantee permanent reduction of hair. This means that the hair can be removed to a certain significant degree, but not in its entirety.

The procedure may be a little uncomfortable, but not entirely painful. A cooling spray is applied to deal with this, and treatments can be repeated at monthly intervals for better results. In this way after 2 to 7 treatments, most of the hair shafts will be successfully treated. Any new hair growth then is treated as found fit.
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Can you use IPL?

The use of IPL hairremoval largely depends on the type of machine used and the individuals skin and hair colour. Also remember that IPL hairremoval treatments do not permanently remove hair, rather it significantly reduces hair follicle growth. That said certain skin types are not suitable for IPL hairremoval; darker skins being the main culprit. This is because this particular skin pigment absorbs too much energy that may cause unwanted damage. Mediterranean and Middle Eastern skin types should also be taken care of, while blonde and light coloured hair may not respond to treatment at all. Generally, individuals with a history of sensitivity to light based treatments are at risk of causing more harm than good. Use of drugs and skin infections are other considerations that should be taken care of.

Before undergoing any IPL hairremoval, it is best you first consult a professional to get the risks and benefits of the procedure. Generally, this form of permanent hair reduction is cheaper than laser technologies, and can treat a larger skin area at a time. The number of treatment sessions will depend on your hair colour and skin type, as well as the equipment used.

IPL hairremoval method is a new form of cosmetic technology, and a good alternative while permanent hairremoval strategies for this method do not yet exist. Consult with a professional first before booking an appointment to ensure safe and secure hairremoval treatment.

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