Home » Diabetes » Chromium Polynicotinate (Chromate) and Diabetes

If you are looking for a natural treatment for diabetes, then here is an interesting bit of information. Chromium Polynicotinate, which first made its debut in the American Aging Association conference in 1992, is now known to possess properties that can help lower blood sugar levels. If you are wondering what the link between chromate and diabetes is, read on.

The American diet is lacking in chromium

Do you know that almost 90% of Americans do no consume enough chromium? The diet that you usually consume provides your body with just 25-33 mcg of chromium, which is about 50% of what our body needs. Research suggests that if patients suffering from Type 2 diabetes increase their chromium intake to 500-1000 mcg, then they can see a significant reduction in not just their blood sugar levels, but also in their cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Connection between Chromium Polynicotinate and diabetes

The US Medical Department states that chromium is an essential ingredient of the Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF) molecule that our body requires for the proper functioning of all metabolic processes. The GTF molecule is also an important component of the insulin secreted by our pancreas.

Experts suggest that if you consume enough chromium, your insulin is better equipped to process sugar and control blood sugar levels. With ample chromium in your blood stream, you have lesser chances of developing insulin resistance. In a controlled study carried out recently on 60 patients suffering from Type 2 form of this disease, it was found that a daily intake of 1000mcg of chromium boosts glucose tolerance, creates a dip in fasting glucose levels, and decreases triglyceride levels.

Chromium Polynicotinate is one of the most active parts of GTF that is responsible for linking insulin to the cell membrane. In the absence of GTF, insulin will not be of much use. Chromate supplements the biological activities of insulin, which in turn accelerates carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Chromates also act as hunger suppressants and reduce carbohydrate and sugar cravings, thereby increasing the levels of glycogen in the liver.

There is another interesting angle to Chromium Polynicotinate and diabetes. Our bodies do not readily absorb chromium like other essential minerals such as iron and selenium. As you grow old, there is a decline in your body’s ability to absorb and convert this mineral to an active form. Moreover, your body loses this mineral when you are experiencing stress and anxiety or are suffering from diabetes.

This is where Chromium Polynicotinate comes into picture, as our body easily absorbs this supplement and provides it with all the benefits of this mineral. Armed with this useful information about chromate and diabetes, you can use this natural supplement to control your rising sugar levels.