Eliminate Bad Breath- Health Information Online
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Eliminate Bad Breath

For most people, when they think of ways to eliminate bad breath, we are often disheartened and discouraged. Most of the time, these people have come up with a very wrong idea that it is very hard and almost impossible to eliminate bad breath. However, contrary to that, eliminating bad breath is easy!

First and foremost, in order to prevent and eliminate foul breath, it is important to know what it is and what causes it. In medical terms, bad breath is termed as “halitosis”. It is caused by the abundance or the presence of bacteria in your mouth, or oral bacteria. This type of bacteria develops and becomes present in your mouth through many ways, such as from the food you eat, lack of dental hygiene, and a dry mouth.

The food you eat plays a key role in developing halitosis, this is because, certain kinds of food are notorious for causing bad breath, like garlic, onion, meat and coffee. The good thing is, bad breath that was developed this way can easily be treated and do not tend to last long.

Also, the food you eat affects your breath in a way that if you eat unclean food, or those that are too sweet, this may lead to the development of tonsil stones or tonsillitis.

Having a dry mouth also makes you more prone to developing foul smelling breath, since bacteria tend to thrive and multiply faster in dry places. For this very reason, it is important to drink lots and lots of water everyday. Avoid drinking coffee, soft drinks, and other alcohol drinks and those that are have sugar content in them to quench your thirst, for they may contribute to you developing bad breath.

Dental hygiene is important in order to eliminate bad breath. Brushing your teeth a minimum of two times a day, as well as using a dental floss properly to take away any food molecules that are stuck in between your teeth will help in keeping the odor of your mouth at bay. Lack of proper dental hygiene is one of the main causes of halitosis or bad breath.

Also, unknown to most people, most commercial mouthwashes contribute to having bad breath. This is because of the alcohol content in them, which leaves your mouth dry and a very good breeding ground for oral bacteria. Make sure that if you use mouthwashes that they have little to not alcohol content.

Granted, there is no full-proof way to eliminate and prevent bad and foul breath for the rest of your life, having proper dental hygiene, and avoiding food that contribute to the development of halitosis and will go long ways in keeping the chances of you developing halitosis, as well as tonsil stones or tonsillitis, at a low rate.
