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Sinus Headache Relief

Throbbing pain, intense pressure, nasal congestion, lost sleep, exhaustion – a sinus headache is enough to make anyone miserable. But before you spend energy seeking sinus headache relief, ask yourself: Is this really a sinus headache?

The truth is, sinus headaches are very similar to migraines. They can be so hard to tell apart, that sometimes even your doctor will have trouble making a diagnosis.

Usually, a sinus headache will involve some of the following symptoms:

  • often begins during or right after you have a bad cold
  • pain and pressure in one particular spot; for example, across your forehead
  • pain is often worse when you first wake up, with sudden movements, or with changes in temperature
  • you may have tenderness in your face and forehead
  • post-nasal drip and sinus congestion may be present
  • fever and overall sense of “not feeling good” (malaise)
  • drainage of colored mucus (often yellow or green) from your nose

Here’s one area where sinus headaches can be tricky: migraines also can also come with nasal congestion, and they can get worse with certain movements, such as bending over. But, there are a couple of big clues that help you tell the difference. As migraine sufferers know, migraines usually come with nausea, and light and noise often make them worse. Researchers are still trying to figure out exactly what causes migraines.

As for sinus headaches, the problem begins in our para-nasal sinuses. Our sinuses are usually filled with air, and they allow mucus to drain as needed. But when our sinuses are inflamed and irritated (also called sinusitis) or congested, that can prevent mucus from draining as it should. Abnormalities in the way our nose is made–including a deviated septum–can also cause mucus to be blocked from draining. Pretty much anything that causes a blockage in our sinus passages can cause trouble. If mucus drainage is blocked, the trapped mucus collects and makes a great place for bacteria and other germs to grow.

Once you’re sure what’s causing your headache, you can find the solution that works best for you. These days, there are several good options for those in need of sinus headache relief. In order to open up those sinus passages, your health care provider could prescribe any of a variety of treatments.

Some of many possible choices include:

  • antibiotics – if there’s infection present (and not all sinus problems involve an infection!)
  • steroids – to decrease swelling so that mucus can drain normally
  • decongestants – including over-the-counter decongestants, which are sometimes used with antihistamines
  • humidifiers – to help keep nasal passages moist, and to decrease sinus congestion
  • saline nasal sprays – to help decrease sinus congestion

The best sinus headache relief will be tailored to whatever’s causing your sinus problems. So give some thought to exactly what symptoms you’re having, and when they started. Have you had a cold recently? Do you have a fever or chills? What makes the pain worse or better? These are important details to share with your health care provider.

Meanwhile, if sinus trouble seems to haunt you, have hope. There are also steps you can take to help keep your sinus passages clear and healthy, so you can reduce your risk of sinus congestion and all the misery that comes with it.