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Usually the acne types that you will be suffering are blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, papules, (inflamed, red, tender bumps that have no head – tip, do not squeeze these it will end up leading to scarring) and pustules (this is your normal red circle white or yellow headed zit). Everyone of these acne types end up being a self-esteem killer.

However below I am going to give you five tips to try to help you out.

1. You can go the topical treatment route for your acne type, they can come in the form of lotions, or creams and contain salicylic acid, sulfur, or benzyl peroxide, as the active ingredient.

2. Now this one is just for the ladies gentlemen sorry. Birth control! This may seem weird to some, however a girlfriend I had in high school had almost every type of acne and could not get rid of it. She went to consult a doctor, and this is what she recommended. It helped, it cleared up her skin in a matter of a month.

3. Antibiotics are another way to approach acne. Essentially when you have acne it is an infection and this is what antibiotics are prescribed for. They also make antibiotics that are geared directly towards acne. You will want the antibiotics to contain minocycline, doxycycline, erythromycin, and tetracycline.

4. Here is a common approach to treating different acne types, Isotretinoin, it is taken orally and does have great results. Isotretinoin can help with the overproduction of sebum, inflammation, and clogged pores. Like antibiotics you will need to obtain a prescription for this method to help. Now with all great things there are usually drawbacks, and this medication is associated with depression, hair loss, headaches, and more. It is also not advised that pregnant women take this medication.

5. This is another good method with a bit of a drawback, that drawback being money. This is a bit on the expensive side, but can work well. Aesthetician (basically someone who studies beauty) or a dermatologist (skin doctor) can help by giving different kinds of treatments. These range from microdermabrasions, (a resurfacing of the skin) corticosteroids, (an adrenal steroid hormone) or chemical peels are a few of the things they can do. Usually with around 5 or 6 sessions you will start seeing a difference in your acne. This depends on the type of acne and the severity of the acne.

BONUS 6th Tip

6. Proactive. This product has been endorsed by some of the biggest celebrities out there. Now I am sure they get paid and get paid well to do the endorsements for proactive, however this stuff works. If it did not work the stars would not back it. They would lose creditability with their fan base and that in turn would hurt business for them. They do not want this. I for one have seen results of people using proactive and they have all been good. Now I cannot say this is definitely the route you want to go, but I have seen it work. It also works on everything from mild types of acne to severe acne types. It is not super expensive, and they also offer a 60 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose trying it out.

Rounding all this out I am hoping that you have learned a little bit form this article about your type of acne as well as a solution that ends up working for your acne.

Thanks for reading!

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