cataract surgery- Health Information Online


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Cataract is a kind of eye disease that occurs when the normal apparent lens in the eye, found at the back of the iris, becomes hazy. The lens which is the light focusing part of the eye is very essential to focus light in the retina in order that the images will appear apparent and without alteration, and the haziness of the lens throughout cataract formation alters the vision.

Cataracts are generally an extremely slow process of regular aging but may seldom develop quickly. They usually affect the two eyes, it is a common case that one cataract advance more rapidly than the other. Cataracts are extremely common which affect approximately sixty percent of people more than sixty years old, and more than 1.5 million cataract operations are done in the U. S. every year.

Majority of cataracts seem to be due to alterations in the structures of protein inside the lens which occur more than years and they cause the haziness in the lens. Seldom, cataracts may be present during birth or early infancy as an outcome of inherited enzyme defects. Cataracts develop more quickly because of serious trauma in the eye, intraocular swelling, or eye surgery. Exposure to extreme ultraviolet rays, smoking, diabetes, or use of some medications like topical, oral, or inhaled steroids may lead to the growth of cataracts during earlier age. Long term utilization of phenothizines and statins may also cause cataracts.

When people have cataracts, they start to have trouble in performing activities they like. A number of the most regular complaints include difficulty in driving at nighttime, traveling, or reading. These are activities wherein clear sight is very essential.

Cataracts can cause an assortment of complaints and changes in vision, including hazy vision, dull color sight, difficulty with excessive brightness like the bright sun or headlights of vehicles at night, improved nearsightedness along with recurrent changes in eyeglasses, and rarely double sight in the single eye. Cataracts usually develop gradually and are normally painless or associated with redness in the eye or other signs except they become very advanced. Speedy and/or aching changes in visualization raise doubts for some eye disorder and must be assessed by an eye specialist.

Cataract development is not predictable; some remain tiny and do not progress where they can affect vision and will need cure, while others develop more rapidly. Therefore, the decision to go on with operation is individualized in every patient. Your eye doctor will tell you the status of your eye because of cataract and type of visual recuperation that might be anticipated if operation is chosen.
